高考英语备考:用零散时间背重要的动词搭配 正如我在课堂讲的那样,大家一定不要花大片的时间去背,我们要用最小的力气获得最大的功效。如果有可能,请把它们打印在一张纸上(正反双面)花零散的时间背背更加可取,比如说课间休息的时候,在等车的时候,在家等吃饭的时候,每天...
CCTV.com消息(中国新闻):7月11号零点,好莱坞暑期大片《变形金刚》将在中国首映,这也是众多变形金刚迷翘首以待的一部电影。与此同时,电影原声带也将同步上市,下面我们就来欣赏其中的主题曲《为时不晚》。 这首《为时不晚》是表现影片《变形金刚》的男女主角——山姆和...
Beijing, June 24 (TMTPost) – Chinese fitness service provider Keep announced that its two apps for overseas markets, which are Keep Trainer and Keep Yoga, will suspend operation after June 30 this year. Keep Trainer’s loyal users left comments on...
2、He hurried to the station only ___ that the train had left. A. to find B. finding C. found D. to have found (五)疑问词 + to do 学位英语真题汇编 1、What___ next will be discussed at today’s meeting. A. will do B. to do C. shall we do D. to be do...
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